National Redlists Database for Vascular Plants

The National Redlists Database (NRL-DB) is an offline database containing all assessments and threat categories from redlists for vascular plants on a national state level.


So far, the database contains 117 Red Lists. It currently holds around 165.000 records, each containing the original plant name, the country, the threat category, the criteria, year of publication and the bibliographic reference.

Since redlist authors are often casual about taxonomic questions, the original names are routinely checked against the World Checklist of Vascular Plants (WCVP) of RBG Kew to identify the currently accepted names. This was successful for 99% of the names in the NRL-DB.

This website currently cannot provide a search option for this database. Please contact the author (uschippmann at yahoo dot de) to ask for a database output.

The simplest form is a query for a vascular plant species or genus; the output will be a list of taxa with their threat category in the individual countries.


To illustrate this, you can download below the result of searches for a number of plant genera. The search routine runs in the original name as presented in the redlist, the result, however, is ordered by the accepted names. Some names may now be harboured in other genera.

Downloads of reports from the National Redlists Database (NRL-DB):

The 4-digit literature keys used in the above reports can be found in the Bibliography of national Red Lists for vascular plants.


by Uwe Schippmann, 9.5.2022